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Junior Program

England & Wales Blind Golf are proud to be able to support juniors’ and young people with grants towards making golf accessible and affordable for families. Working with both community groups and schools.

Golf can in many ways help young people develop life skills, which will help later in life in business and also in every day life plus mental and physical health. Communication, confidence, persevarance, honesty, respect and team work are a key part of the player and guide interaction in blind golf. Helping young people develop confidence in all areas.

As a charity one of our key aims is to develop quality family time and there is no better way than spending time on the practice range or golf course for families to share the feel good and positive rewards golf can give.

Through the charities grants program for young people and the work being done with schools with visually impaired children of all ages, its our aim to use golf to be the vehicle that transforms lives. Working together with our sponsors and partners and drawing on their key skills to mentor children and give them skills needed to develop their futures the added enjoyment of sports.

Many of our members played golf as VI children using the skills learned to go on and secure employment and achieve their dreams.

Our focus as a charity is to make golf as accessible, inclusive  and affordable as possible for children and families.

For further information on the charities junior program please contact  or if you are a company who are interested in offering mentoring to our juniors again please contact


Jamie is enjoying learning a new sport which had previously been inaccessible to him. With the right support, he has been able to develop his hand/eye coordination and hit quite a few great shots. There is so much to learn but the lessons funded by EWblind golf will give him a great platform to grow his enjoyment of a team sport. I think this is the only team sport he can do, which is so valuable in life. Thank you

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As a family of 5 with three boys it’s always hard to fix the time in for all there sporting activities but having a child with sight loss is even harder just to find a sport he can participate in, I’ve always been a keen golfer myself and it never occurred to me that anyone with sight loss could do it, how wrong I was!!! Bailey has taken the game up about 18 months ago and never looked back, to be able to spend time with Bailey like I did with the other two boys growing up has brought so much closer together and equally feels more involved, Bailey’s has really been upbeat ever since with either asking going to his golf lesson or just going to the range to hit some balls, not only physical exercise but massively for his mental health and his whole attitude has changed, this is a game we can continue to play for many years to come or at least until he starts beating me, we are ever grateful to England and Wales blind golf for giving him the opportunity.

Follow Jamie on You Tube



Emilio loves to get out on the golf course with his Dad and Granddad, it has given them a joint interest and passion and something they do together. This isn’t always possible with many VI sports  so having family time together is just perfect

Follow Amelio on Youtube

Supporters & Volunteers

Our members tell us that learning, playing and competing gives them confidence, hope and strength. Our members know that they are not alone or isolated and there are fantastic opportunities ahead of them.

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